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Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional psychotherapist can help you revive your mental health through systematic counseling.
There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform into a sort of emotional tumor that impacts negatively on our daily life, such as lack of concentration, enthusiasm, self respect, will to change, encouragement, and so on. These issues can spiral into our lives in various ways and gets channelled into other zones, which can create problems in relationships, professional life, and health. We address the root cause of the problem after carefully listening the patient.
Depression is a mental illness, which one should not confuse with the short-term emotional distress, anxiety attacks or feeling low, which also are constituents of depression. Anyone can feel low for a brief period of time, or have anxiety attacks once in a while, but that does not mean they are suffering from depression. Depression is much more serious than that, and is a persistent feeling of sadness, loneliness, grief, uselessness, hopelessness, and emotional pain. If not treated at the right time, it can lead to a person turning suicidal, and may try to harm himself/herself or commit suicide.
We approach patients with depression through various routes at one time to make the treatment effective, and help patients recover from their disruptive mental state sooner. First of all, we listen, understand, analyze and evaluate the problems of the patient through verbal counseling sessions, and then categorize the depression level medically to define the treatment path to follow. Depression is treatable, and there are many effective treatments available.
Whether it is social phobia, specific phobia, post traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, or similar, it falls under the category of anxiety disorders, and calls for clinical and therapeutic treatment. And, this is where our expertise can help you. We have a systematic approach to dealing with our patients’ problems, and help them through a round of clinical counseling session to firstly, introduce them to their problems, and then show them the way to dealing with and confront those conflicting issues, without fear or phobia. It has been medically proven that when the people confront what they fear repeatedly without getting the negative outcome they actually feared, the sense of phobia would gradually subside. This does not only help in changing the mental frame of a person in a natural manner, but also helps in building back the lost confidence and sensitivity towards self.
In severe cases, we take the help of medicines and therapies that would help our patients to fight back the physical symptoms caused by the anxiety.
Children can be resilient in the face of life’s difficulties, but sometimes they need professional help to cope. Major transitions such as the death of a parent or caregiver, divorce or serious illness can result in developmental delays, learning problems or behavior disorders. Although the primary task is to find the right strategy to help a child cope, we explore ways to build rapport with children. Compassion and empathy are necessary to develop a relationship with the patient, and efforts are made to listen carefully to the patient’s concerns.
One very specific and helpful approach is utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy to minimize anxiety and depressive symptoms. Learning alternative ideas and learning that feelings and moods alter behavior through this approach is most beneficial. It helps the child to identify their inner thoughts and replace bad thoughts with positive productive thoughts. Children with behavioral issues need to have some type of therapy that allows them to express themselves without consequences and then slowly build up their level of trust in therapy. Once this is done the child can begin to learn the reasons for their behavior and what the trigger points are and how to deal with those issues once they arise.
Our focus is to identify or diagnose the primary problem the child faces and develop a plan of care to help the child learn new ways of dealing with life issues. Each child is an individual and will need a personalized approach to effect change.
A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle, and it is obvious for it to have a few rough patches. The strength of a relationship is reflected in how couples deal with rough patches and move ahead. Lifestyle of the people and modern day thinking has changed the pattern of relationships. This has turned the statistics for divorce and marriage upside down. While divorce and separation is necessary in many cases, if the problems are not only circumstantial, but also irrecoverable and irreversible.
We believe that love should be given a chance, and that there are relationships that can be saved, if only the people involved take that first step and make that last ditch effort to save their relationship. And, this is where couple's therapy comes in. Our approach towards couple's therapy is oriented not only to solving the problems the couple is facing with each other, but to revive the feeling of love and affection they have towards each other.
Virtual therapy has many benefits such as convenience of not traveling and being in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth will strengthen emotional connections, in all stages of life. Online sessions are held from the safety of your own home at a time that is convenient for you through our easy scheduling platform. Sessions are confidential
Dr Michael Nava is a Certified Anger Management Professional providing anger management classes using a court approved curriculum. The classes will teach participants effective communication and listening techniques, skills in stress management, empathy development, judgment and impulse control, anger reduction techniques skills in self-talk and forgiveness, and much more.
Classes are designed for people who need to learn how to control their anger in a more productive and effective way. The anger management classes are ideal for self-referrals, corporate clients, business professionals; court referred clients, individuals, physicians and nurses, adolescents, couples and families as well as those interested in improving relationships with others. The classes are based on the Century Anger Management model of intervention which is a cognitive-behavioral and psycho-educationally based model using eight key tools to anger control. See flyer in Contact Us - Patient Forms section for additional details.
¿Se siente demasiado abrumado para hacerle frente a sus problemas? De ser así, no está solo.
Según el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental (National Institute of Mental Health), más del veinticinco por ciento de los adultos estadounidenses tiene depresión, ansiedad u otro problema mental en cualquier año. Por su parte, otros necesitan ayuda para lidiar con una enfermedad grave, perder peso o dejar de fumar. Muchos otros enfrentan problemas en sus relaciones, pérdida de empleo, estrés, abuso de sustancias u otras dificultades. A menudo, estas dificultades llegan a ser debilitantes.
El psicólogo puede ayudarle con esos problemas. Por medio de la psicoterapia, los psicólogos ayudan a las personas a llevar adelante vidas más felices, saludables y productivas.
En la psicoterapia, los psicólogos aplican procedimientos científicamente válidos para la creación de hábitos más sanos y efectivos. La psicoterapia cuenta con varios métodos como el cognitivo-conductual, el interpersonal y otros tipos de terapia conversacional que ayudan a resolver los problemas.
La psicoterapia es un tratamiento de colaboración basado en la relación entre una persona y el psicólogo. Como su base fundamental es el diálogo, proporciona un ambiente de apoyo que le permite hablar abiertamente con alguien objetivo, neutral e imparcial. Usted y el psicólogo trabajarán juntos para identificar y cambiar los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento que le impiden sentirse bien.
Al concluir el tratamiento, no sólo habrá resuelto el problema que le trajo a la consulta, sino que, además, habrá aprendido nuevas destrezas para enfrentar con mayor efectividad cualquier desafío que pueda surgir en el futuro.
Es posible que, debido a la existencia de numerosos conceptos erróneos sobre la psicoterapia, usted podría mostrarse reacio a ésta. Incluso si conoce las realidades y no los mitos, probablemente se sienta nervioso a la hora de considerar ese método para tratar su problema.
Pero vale la pena vencer el nerviosismo porque, si en algún momento su calidad de vida no es la que desea, la psicoterapia puede ayudarle.
Algunas personas recurren a la psicoterapia porque han estado deprimidas, ansiosas o enojadas por demasiado tiempo. Otras podrían querer ayuda ante una enfermedad crónica que interfiere en su bienestar emocional o físico. Y otras podrían tener problemas a corto plazo para los que necesitan ayuda. Por ejemplo, un divorcio, la partida de los hijos, sentirse abrumado por un nuevo empleo o estar de duelo por la muerte de un familiar.
La terapia podría serle de beneficio si usted presenta estas señales:
La psicoterapia cuenta con muchos métodos diferentes. Generalmente, los psicólogos aprovechan uno o más métodos. Cada perspectiva teórica actúa como hoja de ruta para que el psicólogo pueda comprender a sus clientes y sus problemas y crear soluciones.
El tipo de tratamiento que recibirá depende de una gran variedad de factores: investigaciones psicológicas actuales, la orientación teórica del psicólogo y lo que sea más adecuado a su situación.
La perspectiva teórica del psicólogo influirá en lo que ocurra en su consulta. Por ejemplo, los psicólogos que recurren a la terapia cognitivo-conductual tienen un método práctico con respecto al tratamiento. El psicólogo podría pedirle que realice ciertas tareas concebidas para ayudarle a crear destrezas más efectivas para enfrentar los problemas. A menudo, este método consiste en asignaciones para hacer en casa. Además, el psicólogo podría pedirle que recopile más información, como anotar sus reacciones ante una situación en particular, a medida que vayan ocurriendo. O tal vez que ponga en práctica nuevas destrezas entre una sesión y otra, como pedirle a una persona que tiene fobia a los ascensores que intente apretar los botones de un ascensor. También podría señalarle determinadas lecturas para que tenga más conocimiento de un tema en particular.
Por el contrario, los métodos psicoanalítico y humanista se concentran generalmente en el diálogo más que en la acción. Las sesiones podrían dedicarse a analizar sus experiencias en etapas previas de su vida, para que usted y el psicólogo puedan comprender mejor las causas que originan sus problemas actuales.
El psicólogo puede combinar elementos de varios estilos de psicoterapia. De hecho, la mayoría de los terapeutas no se circunscriben a un método específico, sino que, por el contrario, combinan elementos de métodos diferentes y adaptan el tratamiento de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada cliente. Lo principal es saber si el psicólogo tiene conocimientos en el área en la que usted necesita ayuda y si el psicólogo cree que puede ayudarle. (APA.Org, 2020)
Mood Disorders – Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar
Eating Disorders - Anorexia, Bulimia, Emotional Overeating
Anger Management – Court Ordered
Relational – Dating and Relating
Career Building
Sexuality - Sexual Identity
Job Stress
Personal Growth
Unresolved Trauma
HIV/AIDS – Newly Diagnosed and Quality of Life
Passed in 1996, HIPAA standards became effective in April 2003. One of the purposes of this legislation was to adopt consistent standards for transmitting uniform electronic health care claims. In order to fulfill this purpose, Congress adopted related standards for securing the storage of that information and for protecting individual patient's privacy. HIPAA uses the term Protected Health Information (PHI) to refer to confidential information.
In most cases, Diversified Psychotherapy, Inc.'s policy regarding management of confidential information is more stringent than standards set by HIPAA. We are required by law, however, to provide all patients with the following information regarding HIPAA-mandated standards regarding how your protected health information may be used: Health information you provide to Diversified Psychotherapy, Inc.'s clinicians and staff will be recorded in your clinical records. Information regarding your treatment may be included in your records for the use of your therapist as well as any other Diversified Psychotherapy, Inc.'s clinician who might be called upon to provide care to you.
Information regarding your health and care may be used to obtain payment for your psychotherapy. We may use or disclose your diagnosis, treatment, and outcome information in order to improve the quality or cost of care we deliver. These activities may include evaluating the performance of our clinicians, examining the effectiveness of the treatment provided to you when compared to patients in similar situations, and providing education to mental health professionals.
If relatives or significant others are helping care for you or helping you pay your psychotherapy bills, we may release important health information about you to them. The information released may include dates and types of treatment provided.
Persons or organizations that provide services for us under contract may have access to your health information. We might, for instance, contract with a medical records management company to convert your outdated clinical records to microfilm. Our business associates are required to protect all clinical information we provide to them.
We may use or disclose your health information when required to do so by local, state or federal law. An example is the mandatory reporting of child abuse.
We may disclose your health information to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law such as audits and licensure investigations. These agencies might include government agencies that oversee the health care system, government benefit programs, other government regulatory programs, and civil rights law.
We may disclose your health information to coroners or medical examiners so that they can carry out their duties including identifying your body and determining cause of death.
We may provide health information for law enforcement purposes, including but not limited to crimes occurring on-site; and emergency situations to report a crime, the location of the crime, or victims involved. We may disclose your health information to authorized federal officials for conducting national security activities. We may disclose your health information in response to a court or administrative order and, in certain conditions, in response to a subpoena or other lawful process. We may disclose your health information to comply with workers' compensation laws and similar programs that pay for your psychotherapy connected to a work-related illness or injury. We may use and disclose your health information when needed to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the other people. The information may be provided only to someone able to help prevent the threat.
HIPAA legislation specifies that you have these rights with regard to your protected health information:
You may ask for restrictions on how your health information is used or disclosed for treatment, payment, research and education. Your request must be in writing and must include (1) what information you want to limit; (2) whether you want to limit our use, disclosure, or both; and (3) to whom you want the limits to apply. HIPAA does not require us to agree with your requested restrictions.
You have the right to ask that we communicate your health information to you using alternative means or an alternative location. For example, you may wish to receive information through a written letter sent to a private address.
In some limited instances, you have the right to ask for a list of the disclosures we have made of your protected health information. All such requests must be made in writing. The disclosure must have been made after April 14, 2003 and no more than six years from the date of your request for an accounting. We are not required to list disclosures made for treatment, payment, research, education, national security, certain health oversight activities, or disclosures authorized by you or your legal guardian.
You may withdraw your authorization to release confidential information at any time, as long as your withdrawal is in writing. You may ask us to give you a paper copy of this listing at any time.
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you have a right to file a complaint with us and with the federal Department of Health and Human Services. We may not retaliate against you for filing such complaints.
Are you ready to get on the path to a healthier you? Get in touch today to get started!
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